Thursday 24 November 2011

PPT: Johnny English reborn.

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Working Title Film Presentation Version

Tuesday 8 November 2011

Paul: Printed review:

Printed review from the Rottentomatoes site:

5 reasons that why you know your watching a Working Title film:
* The characters, are they known British stars?
* The setting is either a typically well known English area or an American journey in lots of famous locations if the story requires it, like in Paul.
* Is the film bot British made and associated with Universal?
* Working Title is in the credits.
* The genre is either comedy, romance and/or drama.

Monday 7 November 2011

My boy Jack editing techniques:

* Close-up shot of clock at beginning of the scene, then a cutaway to the vehicle. This suggests the driver is late as time progresses.
* Parralel editing, two scenes keep cutting from eachother, boy in room and man in car.
* Eyeline editing when boy is seen at camera height while the man handing letter is above him. Also when other boy looks down on him.
* Dissolve when the boy takes off his glasses and the word board disappears.
* Continuity when the king is waiting for man and looks at watch.
* Visual effects when the boy shows an expression which seems to display his compressed fear.
* Fade in and out with title shown above car.
* Different screen shots of car to display its value, thereby representing the man's view.
* The superimpose effect is used when the boy and the letter board are both shown on screen at once, then when the boy takes off his glasses the letter board fades away.
* The different screen shots of the car could also be considered as a montage, showing time passing by. This makes sense as clocks are associated with this scene.
* Long take is when car drives under title towards building, the car is shown on screen for a long duration at that point.
* Shot/reverse shot is when the boy is speaking to another boy who is looking down at him. A series of shots occur as they have a conversation.
* Jump cut when as boy walks into room for testing scene cuts back to man in car. When we see the boy next, he is already in the room waiting for testing.
* Not quite a graphic match, but close as the boy with glasses in a close up shot almost transfers over to the man with the glasses in a close shot while driving. Only a shot of the car moving is inbetween the two.
* Related to parallel editing, parallel action occurs. Both the man driving and the boy tested occur.
* Many cutaways occur between the man and boy due to parallel editing and action.

Thursday 3 November 2011

Evaluation of Working Title website:

What must be considered:

* What info does it provide?
* Who is it for?
* Uniqueness?
* Surprised to find or not find?
* Purposes of images?
* Heading site adverts?
* Why is stuff there?
* Layout of the website?
* Messages hidden?
* Overall website?

Who information does the website provide:

Information within the homepage consists of latest installments within the company's production history, such as Johnny English information and dates on the left hand side based on dates for premires and stunts. These are probably added on the website in order to make information based on upcoming and latest events public to the fan base. The home page consists of many coloured boxes which show basic information of all the latest big hits such as Contraband and Senna, providing basic information on each movie product. It's there to portray the movies and display their uniqueness (relates to a later topic) and good standards. I think this is a good idea as it generates publicity to those products this way, by featuring it in a main section of the website. This is a good method to generate publicity and therefore, success via distribution methods. The navigation bar leads to seperate pages which provide information based on films, trailers, news, features, theatre, action and TV pages. All of these are important branches of the working title comapny and the icnlusion of both the bar on the top of the webpage layout (relates to another point) and the content in the website is a good way to gain more success via successful marketing procedures.

Who is it for:

As a major company for UK standards, Working Title has many different audiences, all ranging in both age and taste in genre. The website presents news, updates and features whcih vary to all audience portions. For instance, the Johnny English advertisement feature will be aimed at both kids and young adults who have a specific taste and action and comedy genres. However, something such as Contraband would be aimed at an older audience which prefers thrillers. The many featrues within the website also help to relate to all parts of the audinece. For instance, the inclusion of games and youthful activities is a method of relating to young audiences, whereas paragraphs and news updates are a good emthod to attract older, wiser audiences. Overall, the features and inclusion within the website put together can relate to any part of the audience for Working Title, whether it be young comedy lovers, or older drama fans.


Games were soemwhat unique in this case. While games appearing on websites is not uncommon, not all film company sites have them, and even of they do, not many featured comedic feels to the games featured. Games such as Pig chase and Mr Bean were unique as they provided by excitment within the gameplay itself, and comedy via inclusion of sound, characters (or pigs) and how the game appears visually, like with Mr Bean's expressions. In general, this was just one of many unique factors, ones such as the TV feature, production pages to website notifications and others. These particular features are not common and are a great way to present the stand-out factors of the website.

Surprising elements:

I was surprised to see games with comedic feel to them as that is uncommon for must huge title film production companies. Not extremely rare, but not commonly featured to this extent, either. Another surprise I witnessed was the fact that there was a list called 'choose film' at the bottom of the webpage. This gave out a basic glossary based on all of the major films produced by Working Title such as 'Nanny McPhee' and 'Johhny English' and gave you links to their main pages. It was a good inclusion to feature a basic glossary to most major films that the company has produced, though some arguably big hits were missing from that list. Nonetheless, that is a good thing to do as it makes it easier for the users to locate those pages.

Purposes of images:

As far as the homepage goes, the purposes of the images at the top of the page are used to advertise latest hits. The heading image constantly changes to advertise a different product. AS total of 5 films are advertised at one time with this heading feature. This is a good way of not taking up too much webpage space while still maintaining a large amount of advertising going on in one page. The images furtehr down the page beside the coloured boxes are used to show intense screenshots of the movie that it is applied to. It shows stunning images while the text on the side displays the content of the film in writing. The images being included this way are good as they portray the products in a positive way and they are effective as they make the users of the website see lots of ads in one page and raises awareness ultimately.

Heading ads:

As previously discussed, these ads are used to advertise 5 products at once, it does this via an images change every few seconds. The position of this image changing advert heading is effective in the sense that it raises publicity for many different movie products at once.

Why are things included used:

The images are included simply to advertise the products or projects that they are applied to, such as Johnny English reborn promotional pictures actually being applied to the new movie. They are also added in to amke the website more visually attractive, as a non-stop text site is boring to view by human eyesight. The text is inserted in for either promotional purposes or for the sake of notifications of the company or its products/projects. The games, news and other features are there to supply more enjoyment to the experience of surfing this site. These features are included to get the users interested in the content featured. Thi process may then help to draw ina fanbase purely based on internet popularity from the website success, so the inclusion of the features is effective.

The website layout:
This layout is effective as it shows the heading image/s at the top and of a large format,so it instantly gains attention, sicne the heading features large successful projects, it is useful for publicity methods. Then what's new news notifications and updates are included on the left sideof the webpage. This is good as it gives the fans updates on what's coming up, so they can prepare to watch it. Further down the page is the coloured boxes mentioned earlier, with text and images based on the big hits made by WT. This is a good place to put them as people interested in surfing the webpage will spot these as the search. This is a good way to attract more interested fans into the marketing procedures.

Messages hidden:

Though a subtle example, the bar underneath the heading image is not a row a images, but rather clips. For those interested enough, they hover the mouse over those images and they are revealed as clips. These are important clips as they reveal key content towards the main products produced by the company. These clips are only discovered by those interested enought to search. this inclusion is good as it shows the interested fans more previewing and spoilers towards the product content.
Overall website:

The overall website does a good job in promoting company aims, via techniques such as Games, which relates to fan interaction, and Action which supplies extra additional features to the company. The layout, images and text all relate together to successfully create a website with relevant content which can attract and draw in fans who view the site.

Mind map of techniques related to My boy Jack:

Wednesday 2 November 2011

What to refer to and discuss within exam:

Mise en Scene - everything within scene:                     Characters
Body Language
Props, costumes...
Inconographic essence
Lighting inclusion

The framing
Focus of camera


Transition speed
Length of frames
Shot reverse
Narritive- Time, Theory
Codes such as action and enigma.
 180 rule

                    Screen Time-How long story needs to be told
Subjective Time- From perspective of character
Compressed Time- Skips the insignificant parts
Long Take
Simutaneous Time- used for events such as phone conversations, etc...
Slow motion
Flash forward timing
General manipulation techniques.


Contrapuntual ( Opposite)
Bridges ( Links between scenes)

Tuesday 1 November 2011

Working title questions:

Working Title Questions

Film 4 facts:

The Controller of Film4

After Thomas disability work: Done in 30 minutes.

How is the Disability Represented in After Thomas