Monday, 7 November 2011

My boy Jack editing techniques:

* Close-up shot of clock at beginning of the scene, then a cutaway to the vehicle. This suggests the driver is late as time progresses.
* Parralel editing, two scenes keep cutting from eachother, boy in room and man in car.
* Eyeline editing when boy is seen at camera height while the man handing letter is above him. Also when other boy looks down on him.
* Dissolve when the boy takes off his glasses and the word board disappears.
* Continuity when the king is waiting for man and looks at watch.
* Visual effects when the boy shows an expression which seems to display his compressed fear.
* Fade in and out with title shown above car.
* Different screen shots of car to display its value, thereby representing the man's view.
* The superimpose effect is used when the boy and the letter board are both shown on screen at once, then when the boy takes off his glasses the letter board fades away.
* The different screen shots of the car could also be considered as a montage, showing time passing by. This makes sense as clocks are associated with this scene.
* Long take is when car drives under title towards building, the car is shown on screen for a long duration at that point.
* Shot/reverse shot is when the boy is speaking to another boy who is looking down at him. A series of shots occur as they have a conversation.
* Jump cut when as boy walks into room for testing scene cuts back to man in car. When we see the boy next, he is already in the room waiting for testing.
* Not quite a graphic match, but close as the boy with glasses in a close up shot almost transfers over to the man with the glasses in a close shot while driving. Only a shot of the car moving is inbetween the two.
* Related to parallel editing, parallel action occurs. Both the man driving and the boy tested occur.
* Many cutaways occur between the man and boy due to parallel editing and action.

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